Thursday, January 14, 2010

zis week

almost done with the week
oh fyi. my week starts on Saturday, seriously, freak my SAT
it's says in my Phone calender (:

random pics cause i can
School school school
gotta find you /:

My eye is officially becoming like Cable
"The difference between school and and life?
In school, you're given a lesson and then given a test
In life, you're given a test that teaches a lesson" - Tom Bodett

BM class in school gets "better" everytime
i boleh buat muka peluh mata sepet tiap tiap kali cikgu bercakap di depan
muka peluh mata sepet? -.-"

best part of bm is when i text my sister while class is on, super funny. erm. SUPA KELAKA

"Klass, boleh jinaka, tapi tak boleh yang tidah senonoh!"


jinaka is Jenaka, get it? the way he pronouns - Ben Liew said "FACEPALM!!"
eh Zhenchi, your CHI la ka, copyright that alright? nanti orang lagi ambil, celaka (:

learnt something, discussion in bm is eh?
cikgu saya, dia batu masa besar
(direct translation :)

i sorta love bm, but...... WTF! (my dad says it's not a bad word cuz you dont say the F word :)

my worse part of the day on monday, tuesday, and thursday!
i should skip school on those days
yay! i mean saya patut pontong sekolah (:


Time is going by so much faster

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